
The final programme of the summer school. Each session will comprise seminars and hands-on practical tutorials led by the leading figures in digital archaeology. Please note that short ‘breather breaks’ will be incorporated throughout on a dynamic basis. The organisers reserve the right to last-minute changes in the programme.

Monday morning
9:00 Introduction Registration, Introduction, Plan of Action for the next 5 days, Software installation
09:30 Team exercise: introduce your research A quick introduction exercise
10:00 Seminar: Research Process The fundamentals of good science: research questions, data collection, data analysis, data management, theory building, hypothesis testing, Open Science
10:30 Python tutorial: data manipulation Tutorial on using Python for data manipulation
12:00 Python tutorial: data analysis and visualisation Tutorial on using Python for data analysis and visualisation
13:00 Lunch
Monday afternoon
14:00 Talk: Network data What is network data and how to represent it
14:30 Talk: Network Science Network Science: what is it and how to start
15:00 Tutorial: Network Science Hands on tutorial in Gephi and Python
17:00 Networking event Post-work networking event. Details TBC
Tuesday morning
9:00 Seminar: Data management and Semantic Technologies Data management, FAIR principles, open science: open access, open data, open methods
10:00 Tutorial: semantic modelling Practical introduction to semantic modelling with a hands-on tutorial on SPARQL Endpoint and the
12:00 Lunch
Tuesday afternoon
14:00 Individual exercise: analyse the data
Use the skills gained so far to to analyse and visualise a dataset. Solve 10 tasks using dummy data or your own. Discuss your results and challenges in small groups.
16:00 Team exercise: discuss the results
17:00 End of the day Optional drop-in clinic in a pub for those who want to discuss their research project or anything learnt during the course
Wednesday Morning
09:00 Talk: What’s modelling? What is it for? Why do we model? The difference between a model and a simulation. What is simulation used for? Potential and limitations of the method.
10:00 Tutorial: First Steps in NetLogo Hands-on tutorial in NetLogo basics
12:00 Short talk (ODD) and Team exercise: model design Create a Project design for a model to explain your data, or any of the datasets we already worked on. Use the ODD Template.
13:00 Lunch
Wednesday afternoon
14:00 Tutorial: NetLogo. Intermediate level Hands-on tutorial in NetLogo intermediate features
16:00 Team exercise: expand a model Build your own archaeological simulation by extending the model used in 3.2
17:00 End of the day Optional drop-in clinic in a pub for those who want to discuss their research project or anything learnt during the course
Thursday Morning
09:00 Talk: Space How do we treat space in agent-based modells, what is spatial, what is not
09:30 Tutorial: GIS Tutorial in the GIS component of Netlogo
10:00 Talk: Agents What is an agent, what do they represent, how do you choose the right scale
10:30 Tutorial: Networks Tutorial in the Networks extension
13:00 Lunch
Thursday Afternoon
14:00 Finish off Finish off any of the earlier tutorials
15:00 Talk: Behaviour How to write pseudo code; how to construct model ontology.
15:30 Tutorial: Modelling behaviour Tutorial on Algorithmics. How one behaviour can be modelled in many ways (using the example of random walk)
16:30 Seminar: Ten steps of model building A step by step guide through all the phases of building a model.
17:00 End of the day Optional drop-in clinic in a pub for those who want to discuss their research project or anything learnt during the course
Friday Morning
09:00 Tutorial/Seminar: NetLogo round-up A revision of Netlogo concepts: variables, loops, lists, agentsets and more.
11:30 Tutorial: NetLogo Profiler and Behaviour Space Tutorial on optimising the code and running experiments in batch mode.
13:00 Lunch
Friday Afternoon
12:00 Tutorial: running a simulation How to? Parametrisation, experiment design, analysis of results.
14:00 Individual exercise: how to analyse simulation results Part tutorial, part individual exercise – how to analyse simulation results
16:30 Seminar: Data and software sustainability What to do with the data and the models next, repos, libraries, documentation, licences

The organisers will assume the cost of lunch for each of the attendees. As such, said attendees agree to renounce the corresponding per diem expenses.